Now that I am back from my West Coast Passive House tour (read about it on The Small Planet Workshop blog) I am catching up with local projects.  I visited Dan’s project and saw that some more concrete has been poured, landscaping started, and work continues on the inside.

The Ultimate Air Recouperator has been set in place only to find the place has changed.  In the original configuration there was not going to be a door through the mechanical room into the workshop.  Site changes allowed that penetration in the PHPP which is a very nice feature… if the door will clear the mechanical equipment when it is installed in its intended location.  Fortunately Dan has one of those magical contractor shoehorns – the kind that let you fit something big in a very small space.  He has figured out a new arrangement and it will all soon be in place.

The plan now is to work outside while the weather is good (it’s turned cool and crisp here – my favorite time of year!) and work on the apartment area when the weather is not so good.  It’s coming along very nicely.

In all of Dan’s spare time (when he is not wasting those 4 hours and 23 minutes a day sleeping!) he is also preparing to speak at the Eco Building Guild 13th Annual Green Design & Construction Symposium Oct 22-24th, and at the North American Passive House convention in Portland Nov 5-7th.  If you have a chance to attend either of these events it will be well worth it.

Dan replied in the comments about yet ANOTHER event he is speaking at and I wanted to add it to the main page so no one would miss it:  “There’s even another presentation on the nearby horizon: the Central Puget Sound chapter of the NW Ecobuilding Guild’s October 27th education event. 7PM at the Phinney Neighborhood Center, free for Guild members, $5 donation for everyone else. That one’s all about this house. I promise – no THERM tutorials. Cheers – Dan”

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