I am having a ball writing this blog about Dan’s project.  Part of that is the behind the scenes reports I get from WordPress on how many people view the blog or when someone links to the blog from a posting on another site.  Sometimes those are the results of a software program that just grabs blog site addresses and posts them randomly, but today I was in for a very pleasant surprise.  Richard Defendorf of Green Building Advisor has written a very nice article about the project and included a link to this blog (thanks Richard!).  You can read “A Passive House Kick-Start in the Northwest” here.

This has prompted me to finally put together a page of just the Seattle Passive House project posts in order from the beginning for anyone who would like an easier way to review the project.  You can see that at “Seattle Passive House From the Beginning”.  I have also made it a permanent tab at the top of the blog page and will update it as I write new blog postings.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who keep coming back for more news about Dan’s project and ask for any comments or suggestions of future blog postings you would like to see.  I will be getting into a discussion of the different software programs that we use for modeling the projects and will also bring you news of other Passive House projects that are happening.



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