A truck from CAD brought crushed recycled glass to be used as fill instead of pea gravel under the slab.  The glass had a faint aroma of beer, giving you an indication of what some of the bottles had been used for. The glass was delivered via a conveyor belt that the driver controlled with a remote control device.  As a matter of fact he drove the whole truck remotely which makes his rig the best RC vehicle I have ever seen!  If the construction industry is looking for new sources of income, let people pay to have 5 minutes of operating the truck! I know I would love to have a chance to drive it!

Nick places the lightweight Geofoam.

Once Dan was satisfied with the squareness of the form and the final compaction of the fill around the perimeter, two layers of plastic were laid down around the perimeter and up the sides of the forms.  Next the structural Geofoam began to go in.  This product is lightweight and very quick to place.  This is one of the first Passive House features to be set in place – but not the very first.  The actual siting of the house to allow as much southern exposure as possible was the first Passive House feature in place.

Coming up next is a more detailed examination of the foam for this project.


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