When I started blogging for the Small Planet Workshop I began to worry that all the Passive House information was being spread all over the internet and being diluted.  I wanted to pull things back together, and yet still give anyone who wants their own voice a place to let people know about it.  It’s similar to what I was doing with the Passive House Projects blog.  I was just a clearing house for projects to be listed – if you wanted to know more about the project there were links to the people in the know – the contractor or architect of the project.

Passive House Central includes Passive House Projects and will expand to include other areas of interest such as blogs and products.  Right now quite a few of the websites are just set up with categories, but no content.  I will begin to add content this week.  What I would like from you is your opinion of the navigation you find on the websites and the indication of what the future content will be.  I would like your feedback as I load content so that I know where you would like to see this community go – it is a community for you and I want your voice to be heard.  You can reply to my email address, or to the comments section of the Passive House Central main page.  I will consider all suggestions as I refine the direction that will best satisfy the interests of the most readers.

If you have a Passive House project or are a Passive House professional and would like your information included on one of the websites, you can request that too.  At this point only Certified Passive House Consultants are being listed on the Professionals page.  When Passive House Institute US has other methods of identifying those contractors and other professionals as having received training of note I will expand that page to include those designations.

I am very excited to see where this venture goes and I want you to build this community with me.  In the future there will be some changes made to include a revenue source for me and my efforts, but I intend for quite a bit of this information to remain freely available to those who want to learn and understand just what Passive House is all about.

Please visit PassiveHouseCentral.US Don’t be shy – let me know what you think!


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