I am planning a trip down the West coast next month from Seattle to California and I would love to visit some Passive House Projects along the way.  If you have a project in Washington, Oregon, or California and wouldn’t mind a curious gal with a camera popping by to see it, let me know!  I have been hired to write for a new blog that is starting in October by the Small Planet Workshop and their website relaunch.  I would love to get as much information about as many West coast projects into the blog launch article as possible.

I am currently working out plans to visit the O’Neill Residence Retrofit that Solar-Knights has just been awarded the first US Passive House Retrofit as well as the first California Passive House project certifications for.  Way to go Solar-Knights!  Be sure to check out their new project page and gallery on my Passive House Projects blog.


P.S.  I will be visiting the Seattle Passive House this week – watch for an update soon!

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