*Note to self – remove “Palindrome Writer” from resume.

Dan and his plans will be taking a stand on February 24th at the next Passive House Seattle meeting to be held at the Phinney Neighborhood Association, Room 3 (in the upper blue building) from 5:30-6:30pm (conveniently just prior to the 7-9pm Eco Building Guild meeting held in the Community Hall that is in the lower building at the same location).  The address is 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle WA 98103.

Dan will be discussing his passive house project which is coming along nicely.  If you are in the area please stop in – Dan is great at describing his project.  If you want a preview, click on the link to the video that is being made about the project then scroll down to see Dan http://www.thehousethatsavedtheworld.com/videoclips.html.  Be sure to check out the other videos on that page that are being made as part of “The House That Saved The World” project too!

I hope to see you there!


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