The utilities are in and todays’ work was to cover them up and make a smooth layer to place the foam on.    The weather looks good for the next few days so Dan has called for the concrete to come Monday morning.

The plastic will go down once the sand is tamped and then the foam will go in.   In the meantime, Stu, a friend of Dan’s, stopped by and joked about being mentioned in the blog.  I can’t promise fame & fortune Stu, but there might be notoriety if you are lucky!

Some of the foam that will go under the foundation is on site.  Dan was able to find some extra foam that a roofer was getting rid of that he can use under the slab.  He pointed out that all of the foam has a density rating stamped on it and he made sure to check that it would work for this project and reject the pieces that were too soft.   Coming soon is a detailed article about the foam, where it came from, how come there is more than one density, and how it works to make this project a Passive House.

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