My favorite construction management instructor would be quick to correct me if I said anything about pouring concrete.  Today on Dan’s project they placed concrete and tonight I will pour scotch just to make sure I understand the lesson correctly. <grin> I did offer to be Dan’s worst laborer ever and after a very careful second or two of consideration he wisely declined my offer.  As the activity picked up on the jobsite I retreated to my mobile job shack (aka the back of my minivan) where I could observe the hustle and bustle but not get in the way of the muscle.

The rain was constant all morning until just before the concrete arrived from Salmon Bay Sand & Gravel.  Dan and his crew placed all the concrete for the footing of the workshop and began forming for the insulated slab.  Trenching for the utilities began and will continue on Monday with an inspection scheduled for Tuesday.  The foam starts going in on Wednesday.

I have added a link to the links section on the right side of the page that contains some video of the project.  Be sure to check back for my next installment on thermal bridges and why this insulated foundation is one of the key Passive House elements.  If you would like to be notified of updates to the blog, please use the subscribe button on the right side of this page.


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